The PhilippineCanadianTimes |
These links provide information on just about any subject you want to know about the Philippines. Most provide insights with detailed information about our country. If you know of other sites with information about the Philippines that you think should be listed here, please let us know.
The Web Team
A Brief History - A short trip into the past, all the way to the present. Travel The Philippines ! - Maps, major cities, places to see, and much more. Accomodations All the top hotels and lodgings with most providing reservation and rates information. CyberCebu - Cebu (Sugbo) is the name given to the city, the metropolis, the island, and the province. Read all about it here. Malacanang - This is the official web site for the Philippine Government (Executive Branch) also includes the personal home page of the President. It briefly describes the Philippines. Travelfast - A website where you can make on-line reservations. Travelfast specializes in travel to and from Manila. We offer an easy, hassle free way of reserving your tickets. Special prices on travel available only on the Internet. Updated all the time. Virtual Philippines - We are the largest Philippine web site. We cover travel, hotels, shopping, sightseeing, airlines and industry information and listings. Guide to the Philippines - Favorite Tour Stops, How to get around, Dining. Business News - Current events and links to major news media. Music Netlinks - Filipino Music Netlinks is your guide to resources on the Net about contemporary music from the Philippines and it's music industry. Real Estate - Industrial, Residential, Commercial and Agricultural Property Listings. Stocks and Finance - Stock Market summary, Foreign Exchange and Interest Rates. Doing Business in the Philippines - An information clearing house that deals with the various aspects of business and investment opportunities in the Philippines. Philippine Exporters Foundation - An umbrella organization of exporters that addresses the common needs, primarily of exporters in Cebu and indirectly, the exporting community. Philippine Trade Directory - Contains the names and addresses of Philippine companies and the products they will sell at wholesale prices. PHILINKS - Linking the Philippines to the World. Provides links to sites about the Philippines; Government Agencies; Travel; Arts; Business; Sports; History; Universities; ISP, etc. Recipes For Free - A mouth watering chicken coconut milk dish recipe from the Philippines. Receive 200 free recipes in 20 different categories. Stock Watch Young Executives Business Club - Young Executive Business Club of the Philippines |